Assessment Template For Paramedics

Administer basic or advanced emergency medical care and assess injuries and illnesses. May administer medication intravenously, use equipment such as EKGs, or administer advanced life support to sick or injured individuals.
Bright Outlook
Rapid Growth


Qustom Questions

Hiring success rate

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69% hiring better

Test Used

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12151 times

Popular Job Roles
First ResponderFlight Paramedic


Technology Skills
Medical software
Time Limit20 min


  • Administer drugs, orally or by injection, or perform intravenous procedures.
  • Administer first aid treatment or life support care to sick or injured persons in prehospital settings.
  • Assess nature and extent of illness or injury to establish and prioritize medical procedures.
  • Attend training classes to maintain certification licensure, keep abreast of new developments in the field, or maintain existing knowledge.
  • Comfort and reassure patients.

Technology Skills

Medical software

MedDataSolutions Regist*r, MEDITECH software

Presentation software

Microsoft PowerPoint

Information retrieval or search software

Epocrates, HyperTox, Skyscape Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult, TechOnSoftware HazMatCE Pro

Spreadsheet software

Microsoft Excel

Office suite software

Microsoft Office

Call to action section illustrate

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  • checkmark iconWhat's your candidate’s capacity to learn and grow?
  • checkmark iconHow will your candidates behave in the workplace?
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