Assessment Template For Pediatric Surgeons

Diagnose and perform surgery to treat fetal abnormalities and birth defects, diseases, and injuries in fetuses, premature and newborn infants, children, and adolescents. Includes all pediatric surgical specialties and subspecialties.
Pediatric Surgeons


Qustom Questions

Hiring success rate

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80% hiring better

Test Used

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18682 times

Popular Job Roles
Cardiovascular SurgeonGeneral SurgeonHand SurgeonPhysicianPlastic SurgeonSurgeonThoracic SurgeonVascular Surgeon


Technology Skills
Medical software
Time Limit25 min


  • Analyze patient's medical history, medication allergies, physical condition, and examination results to verify operation's necessity and to determine best procedure.
  • Conduct research to develop and test surgical techniques that can improve operating procedures and outcomes.
  • Consult with patient's other medical care specialists, such as cardiologist and endocrinologist, to determine if surgery is necessary.
  • Describe preoperative and postoperative treatments and procedures, such as sedatives, diets, antibiotics, or preparation and treatment of the patient's operative area, to parents or guardians of the patient.
  • Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, assistants, specialists, residents, and other medical staff.

Technology Skills

Medical software

Electronic medical record EMR software, Epic Systems, MEDITECH software, Three-dimensional 3D virtual surgery software

Graphics or photo imaging software

Computer imaging software

Operating system software

Microsoft Windows

Human resources software

Human resources management system HRMS

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