Pre-Employment Assessment Tests

Assess ALLjob candidates &interview ONLY the best!
Join 3,500+ companies trusting Hirenest for precise skill testing.

and get access to our library of 350+ tests:

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Personality & Cognitive

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Trusted by hiring teams at:

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Tailored Pre-Made Assessments for any Job Role

  • Easy to use
  • No specific knowledge required
  • Crafted by HR professionals
  • Ready-to-go
  • Automatic
  • Start within 1 minute

Search job role

and see if we have an assessment for it

Search job role


Screen skills, not CVs

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“ResumeLab found that 93% of people know someone who lied on their resume. Of those who lied, only 31% were caught.”

By Skye Schooley

Mar 13, 2023

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“HR might not be able to detect a résumé written by ChatGPT. That could be a problem.”

By Amber Burton

Feb 1, 2023

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“Survey found that 85% of HR professionals uncovered misrepresentations or outright lies on a candidate's resume.”

By Taylor Cotterell

Mar 29, 2018

Strongest Predictors
of Job Performance

At, we prioritize pre-employment assessments over education, CVs, work experience, and traditional interviews. Our platform measures essential personality traits, situational judgement, skills, and cognitive abilities that strongly predict job performance, while remaining stable over the medium to long term.

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Gain job-skill insights for easy talent shortlisting

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All-In-One Solution

Find top-notch talent in a flash!

Hirenest offers a wide range of features to simplify the recruitment process, from a rich library of tests and templates to Al scoring and detailed reports. Additionally, a robust ATS system facilitates actions to further streamline the recruitment process.

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350+ Tests Libary

Unlock the power of 350+ professionally designed tests!

Hirenest offers an extensive selection of tests to suit all assessment needs. Our tests provide invaluable insights into an individual's cognitive aptitude, role-specific competencies, situational judgment, skill proficiency, and personality.

Learn more
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Powrfull ATS

Move the right applicants forward!

Take the stress out of hiring and choose the best talent with HireNest. Leverage our robust yet easy-to-use ATS and get the most out of your recruitment efforts.

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Final Hiring Decision

Find the right people fast to achieve long-term success!

Leverage the power of Hirenest's comprehensive data to make the right hire and take your team to the next level. Bridge your amazing company with amazing talents today.

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Here’s proof of our impact

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50% increase in suitable candidates

“Take hiring to the next level”

Aiden Gallagher photo

Aiden Gallagher


Explore Case Study
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Time-to-hire reduced by 34.9%

“Helpful tool to find the right person”

Felix Nguyen photo

Felix Nguyen

General Manager

Explore Case Study
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Reduced turnover rate by 22%

“Hiring Process Dramatically Improved”

Valentina Petrovich photo

Valentina Petrovich

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Explore Case Study
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Reduced time-to-hire by 34%

“Especially Great for High Volume Hires”

Maximilian Müller photo

Maximilian Müller

HR Operations Manager

Explore Case Study
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Boosted hires' retention by 57.5%

“Highly Valuable Tool for Recruiting Efforts”

Debra Langley photo

Debra Langley

Talent Acquisition Strategist

Explore Case Study
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Impressive 78.9% rise in quality candidates

“Helpful tool for more confident hiring decisions”

Amara Singhania photo

Amara Singhania

Team Lead

Explore Case Study
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Enhanced efficiency, quality, and speed

“Easy to use and amazing customer support”

Nicole Millington photo

Nicole Millington

HR Coordinator

Explore Case Study
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Cut time-to-hire by 56%

“Very happy with this tool - use it daily and love it!”

Milo Harrington photo

Milo Harrington


Explore Case Study
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99 candidates, zero problems

Even if you have 100—or hundreds!—of candidates vying for a position, you can manage them with no stress. Simply create an assessment within minutes and share the link in the way that works best for you. Rank candidates solely by their skills and abilities, without reviewing all those bone-dry resumes.

Share a public link:

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Job boards & social media

Add the assessment link to your job postings for easy candidate access.

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Company website

Post the assessment link on your Careers page to streamline screening.

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ATS autoresponse

Add the assessment link to an autoresponder in your ATS to fully automate screening.

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Share a private link:

Send a unique link directly to specific individuals
for a more targeted evaluation.

Now, relax and watch the number of assessed candidates grow in real time!

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Your all-in-one solution for versatile
and efficient recruitment

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Why not give Hirenest a try? It takes only a few minutes, and we offer a free trial.

Focus on what truly matters in hiring: a candidate's skills and abilities. Create your assessment in minutes and share the link with just a few clicks. Get started today and revolutionize your hiring process!


Why Hirenest?

Because we use our own platform.

Yes, we use our own pre-employment assessment platform to build the best team possible. And our efforts have paid off: We've scaled our team to more than 50 fantastic members, testing more than 5,000 along the way. And that team has helped us become one of the premier pre-employment testing companies worldwide. (If only we could've tested our office dogs too; managing their behavior is a challenge!)

60,000 +


5,000 +

People hired

45,000 +

Saved hours
for our clients

Problems we solved


of employers admitted to making the mistake of hiring someone unsuitable for a job.


of businesses reported incurring losses of over $75,000 due to incorrect hiring decisions.


chance of a hiring manager making an incorrect hiring choice.


of businesses reported a decrease in output due to an unsuitable hire.


of unstructured job interviews are effective at predicting the best candidates.

Why does it happen?

hiring is difficult due to reliance on subjective, inconsistent opinions.

Call to action section illustrate

Our platform will answer
your questions:

  • checkmark iconWhat are your candidate's cognitive abilities?
  • checkmark iconWhat's your candidate’s capacity to learn and grow?
  • checkmark iconHow will your candidates behave in the workplace?
  • checkmark iconWhat drives your candidates to engage in action?